Feel Good: Spring Clean and Organize your Closet
Spring is (almost) officially here, and with it the perfect excuse to clean out your closet. Get a fresh start this season with these spring cleaning tips.
Stock Up On Storage
Loose items like purses and accessories quickly lose their shape and attract dust. Make the most of any space above and below your clothing racks with storage baskets and boxes. Opt for boxes with labels and save time when you’re hunting for your leather gloves next fall - Ikea offers dozens of affordable labeled options.
Care For Your Shoes
A winter's worth of road salt can really take its toll on leather and suede shoes. Before you toss out your favorite pair, take a look in your pantry - a little white vinegar is often all you need to dissolve the toughest salt stains. Follow up with polish or suede cleaner.
Clean Your Nuknuuk Slippers
After months of daily wear, your Nuknuuk slippers might also benefit from a quick cleaning with a damp (not wet) cloth. Check out these in-depth cleaning tips and tricks if you need more than a quick clean.
Pay It Forward
Haven’t worn that sweater all winter? If you haven’t worn an item in ages, now’s the time to try it on and see if it still fits - you might find a few great pieces you’d forgotten about. Keep a large bag on hand for donations and drop them off at a local charity. Bonus: with more room in your closet, the clothes you do decide to keep will be much easier to find!
Treat Yourself
Now that you’ve taken stock of your wardrobe, is there anything you’re missing? If your closet is heavy on dark colors and neutrals, go ahead and treat yourself to a few fresh pieces for spring. Whether it’s a new spring jacket, a few pretty tops or even a new pair of Nuknuuk slippers a touch of spring color will give you a lift whatever the weather.